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Maximizing Learning Potential: Different Learning Styles in Education and Effective Instructional Techniques

Read With Mrs. A
There are different learning style when it come to the education you receive. You can have visual, auditory, reading/writing, Kinesthetics learning. When it come to figuring out best how you learn, check out this article to help improve your personall life or self help learning.

Effective instruction is not one-size-fits-all. Students learn in a variety of different ways inside and outside of the classroom. What works for one child may not be the most effective teaching strategy for another. As an educator and/or parent, it is important to understand these different learning strategies to best support childrens’ unique learning styles and their education.

There are four common learning styles in education: visual, auditory, reading/writing preference, and kinesthetic. This combination of learning styles is often referred to as the VARK model. Educators and parents can tailor instruction towards these specific learning styles to best suit students’ needs. In doing so, learning, motivation, and even positive behavior can increase. According to a 2014 study, most people are multimodal in their learning preferences, meaning they prefer more than one learning style. 


Visual learning is a learning style in which a individuals prefer to use images, diamgrams, chart, and other visual aids to understand and retain information. This can also benefit entrepreneurs when trying to show your vision.

Visual learners prefer to see or observe things. They benefit from instruction that includes pictures, images, maps, written directions, infographics, or diagrams. Students who learn through visual aids tend to fall into this category. Graphic organizers and handouts can be extremely useful for visual learners. Whiteboards and smartboards are also an excellent resource. Visual learners may also enjoy incorporating drawings and doodles into their learning. 


Auditory learning refers to a learning preference in which individuals learnin best through listening and hearing information.


Auditory learners are those who prefer listening and speaking. They learn better through sound and by hearing instructions out loud rather than through reading written notes or viewing presentations. These types of learners do well in group discussions, listening to lectures and may also enjoy listening to podcasts and audiobooks. Incorporating watching videos, listening to music, and utilizing mnemonic devices can be helpful for auditory learners. Auditory learners enjoy using their own voices and typically are not afraid to speak up and verbalize what they know. 


Reading and writing is another example of a learning style that will help you excel in a professional field wether you want to start a business or just want to get into a business.

Those with a reading/writing learning preference learn best through reading and writing words. These types of learners prefer to take notes, read articles and books, look up words in the dictionary, and express themselves through writing. The reading/writing learning style shares some characteristics of the visual learning style. Our educational system typically caters to this learning style the most. 


Kinesthetic learners are individuals who learn best through physical activity and hands-on experience. They thrive in environments where they can engage in activities that involve movement, touch, and manipulation of objects.

Kinesthetic learners are those who prefer working with their hands. They have a tactical learning style and learn through moving, experiencing, doing, and feeling. These students are considered “hands-on” learners who learn best by using their sense of touch. Kinesthetic learners like to move and often enjoy sports and activities that involve movement. Incorporating gross and fine motor activities into instruction may be beneficial for these types of learners. Teachers and parents can also have students act out ideas, play learning games, and get students up out of their seats and moving about while learning.

Although some people are critical of the VARK method stating there is limited scientific evidence to support it, studies have shown that people do prefer certain learning styles. These studies have shown that most people have a diverse preference of learning styles that depend on emotional, cognitive and even environmental factors that may change over time. As an educator, it is important to differentiate instruction and use a combination of these learning styles to best meet the needs of diverse learners. Finding out how a child learns best and teaching to this preferred method is a way to individualize instruction and lead to a student-centered approach to education.

If you're interested in more information, visit Read With Mrs. A


Prithishkumar IJ, Michael SA. Understanding your student: using the VARK model. J Postgrad Med. 2014 Apr-Jun;60(2):183-6. doi: 10.4103/0022-3859.132337. PMID: 24823519.



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